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1)吉野雅彦,白樫高洋:温度・ひずみ速度履歴による材質の推移, 塑性と加工31-359,(1990), p1433-1438
2)吉野雅彦,渡部 司、白樫高洋:熱間鍛造過程の数値シミュレーション, 塑性と加工31-359, (1990), p1439-1444
3)白樫高洋,吉野雅彦,倉島宏実:超精密切削過程のシミュレーション解析(第1報), 精密工学会誌57-4(1991)p109-115
4)Takahiro SHIRAKASHI,Masahiko YOSHINO and Hiromi KURASHIMA:Study on Cutting Mechanism of Single Clystal Based on Simple Shear Plane Model、Int. J. Japan Soc. Prec. Eng.,Vol.25, No.2(June 1991), p.96-97.
5)白樫高洋,吉野雅彦,倉島宏実:超精密切削過程のシミュレーション解析(第2報), 精密工学会誌57-5(1991)p149-154.
6)Takahiro SHIRAKASHI, Masahiko YOSHINO and Hiromi KURASHIMA: Simulation on Cutting Process of Single Crystal Alminum、Int. J. Japan Soc. Prec. Eng.,Vol.25, No.3, (1991), p.181-186.
7)白樫高洋, 吉野雅彦:2,3の焼結材料の衝撃劣化機構の検討, 精密工学会誌57-12, (1991), pp.2206-2208.
8)白樫高洋, 吉野雅彦, 帯川利之, 臼井英治:電解複合切断法の基本特性とアモルファスコアへの適用, 精密工学会誌58-3, (1992), p.117-119.
9)吉野雅彦,白樫高洋:剛塑性有限要素法による摩擦要素の提案と二層材押出し過程への適用例, 塑性と加工33-374(1992) p.259-p.264.
10)吉野雅彦,白樫高洋:剛塑性有限要素法による軸対称二層材定常押出し過程の解析例, 塑性と加工33-374, (1992) p.265-p.270.
11)吉野雅彦,堀江正之,白樫高洋:α/γ二相域における回復を考慮した熱間流動応力特性, 塑性と加工 33-372, (1992), p69-74
12)吉野雅彦,堀江正之,白樫高洋:変態による組織変化およびその流動応力特性の予測手法, 塑性と加工33-372, (1992), p75-80
13)Masahiko YOSHINO, Takahiro SHIRAKASHI:An Analytical Prediction of Material Property for Hot forming Process, Advances in Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications (AEPA'92) edited by W.B.Lee, (1992), p.909-914.
14)吉野雅彦,白樫高洋:熱間加工により生じる組織変化,残留応力の予測, 塑性と加工34-386, (1993-3), p.283-p.288.
15)白樫高洋, 吉野雅彦, 帯川利之, 堀江琢:研削加工層の残留応力に及ぼす流動応力特性の影響, 機械学会論文集60-577, (1994), p.2946-2951.
16)吉野雅彦, 帯川利之, 白樫高洋:反力制御切削加工ヘッドの試作と特性, 機械学会論文集C60-577, (1994), p.2952-2957.
17)吉野雅彦,白樫高洋:ひずみ速度と温度の履歴依存性を導入した流動応力式, 塑性と加工35-407, (1994), p.1386-p.1393.
18)Masahiko YOSHINO, Takahiro SHIRAKASHI and Toshiyuki Obikawa: Numerical Analysis of Residual Stress in a Ground Surface Layer, Advancement of Intelligent Production, Elsevier, (1994) p.497-502.
19)Masahiko YOSHINO, Takahiro SHIRAKASHI:A New Flow Stress Equation of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy, J. Materials Processing Tech. 48, (1995) p.179-186.
20) Masahiko YOSHINO, Takahiro SHIRAKASHI:Numerical Analysis on an Extrusion Process of a Bimetallic Rod, Simulation of Material Processing: Theory, Method and Application (NUMIFORM'95) edited by Shen & Dawson (1995), p.907-912.
21) M.Yoshino, T. Shiraishi and T. Shirakashi: FEM Simulation of Residual Stresses in 3-Point Bending Test Based on Extended Thermo-Elasto-Plastic Theory, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 1996 (Proceeding of 5th ICTP), (1996), p.611-614.
22) Masahiko YOSHINO, Takahiro SHIRAKASHI:Numerical Simulation of Cladding Process in Bimetallic Rod Extrusion, Technical Papers of the North American Manufacturring Research Institution of SME, (1996) p.77-82.
23) M. Yoshino, T. Shiina, T.Shirakashi: FEM simulation on Dislocation behavior in a FCC metal, Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, vol.2, No.3, (1997), p.218-226
24) M. YOSHINO, T. SHIRAKASHI:Flow-stress equation including effects of strain-rate and temperature history, International Journal of Mechanical Science Vol.39, No.12, (1997) pp.1345-1362.
25) Masahiko Yoshino, Takahiro Shirakashi: Impact Deterioration Mechanism of Fine Ceramic Cutting Tools, Proceedings of ICPE'97 in Taiwan, edited by Y.S. Liao & N. Ueda, (1997) p.479-484.
26) M. Yoshino, T. Shiina, T.Shirakashi: FEM simulation on Dislocation behavior in FCC metals, Advances in Computing Engineering Science (editedby S.Y.Atluri & G.Yagawa) Proc. ICES'97, (1997), p.1179-1184.
27) Masahiko YOSHINO, Takahiro SHIRAKASHI, Toshiyuki Obikawa and Eiji Usui:Electrical Cut off-Grinding Machine for Composite Materials, J. Materials Processing Tech., vol. 74/1-3, (1998) pp.131-136.
28) 吉野雅彦, 白石知宏, 白樫高洋:金属材料の材質予測のための内部変数,機械学会論文集, A64-624, (1998), pp.21-27.
29) 椎名俊典, 吉野雅彦, 白樫高洋:結晶塑性有限要素法によるFCC金属結晶の機械特性の検討,機械学会論文集A64-624, (1998), pp.15-20.
30) M.Yoshino, J.Eto, T.Shirakashi: Study on recrystallization process using Mesoplasticity FEM, Simulation of Materials Processinv: Theory, Methods and Applications (Proc. of Numiform'98), (1998), pp.335-340.
31)白樫高洋, 帯川利之, 篠塚淳, 吉野雅彦:反力制御切削加工ヘッドの試作と特性(第2報 ヘリカル・ミリングカッタを用いた加工ヘッドの特性), 機械学会論文集C65-631, (1999), p.1223-1228.
32) T.Obikawa, M.Yoshino, J.Shinozuka: Sheet Steel Lamination for Rapid Manufacturing, J. Material Processing Technology,89-90 (1999), pp.171-176.
33) 吉野雅彦, 青木隆幸, 杉島泰介, 白樫高洋:高静水圧環境下における硬脆材料の引っかき加工試験, 精密工学会誌65-10 (1999), pp.1481-1485.
34) 吉野雅彦, 椎名俊典, 白樫高洋:転位挙動に基づいた結晶塑性有限要素法, 塑性と加工, vol.40, No.457, (1999), pp.160-165.
35) 吉野雅彦, 白樫高洋:顕微鏡組織観察による結晶粒径分布測定法の理論的検討, 塑性と加工, vol.40, No.462, (1999), pp.669-673.
36) 吉野雅彦, 澤田真也, 白樫高洋:結晶粒径分布測定システムの開発, 塑性と加工, vol.40, No.462, (1999), pp.674-678.
37) 吉野雅彦, 帯川利之, 篠塚淳:薄鋼板積層造形法によるRapid Manufacturing System, 日本機械学会論文集C66-642, (2000), p667-672.
38) 吉野雅彦, 白石知宏:熱弾塑性有限要素法を用いた残留応力解析, 塑性と加工, vol.41, No.472, (2000), pp.502-506.
39) T. Shirakashi & M. Yoshino: Flow stress equation with effect of strain-rate and temperature histories under processing, Journal De Physique IV, vol.10, Pr9, (2000), pp.137-142.
40) M. Yoshino, T. Aoki, T. Shirakashi and R. Komanduri: Some Experiments on the Scratching of Silicon -in situ scratching inside an SEM and scratching under high external hydrostatic pressures, J. Mechanical Science, 43 (2001) pp.335-347.
41) M. Yoshino, T. Aoki, N. Chandrasekaran, T. Shirakashi and R. Komanduri:Finite Element Simulation of Plane Strain Plastic-Elastic Indentation on Single Crystal Silicon, J. Mechanical Science, 43 (2001) pp.313-333.
42) M. Yoshino, T. Aoki and T. Shirakashi: Scratching Test of Hard-brittle Materials under High Hydrostatic Pressure, trans. ASME, J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, May (2001) vol.123, pp.231-239.
43) J. Yan, M. Yoshino, T. Kuriagawa, T. Shirakashi, K. Syoji, R.Komanduri: On the ductile machining of silicon for micro electro-mechanical (MEMS), opto-electronic and optical applications, Material Science and Engineering, A297 (2001), pp.230-234.
44)吉野 雅彦、北村元:硬脆機能材料の高静水圧環境における延性モード切削(第一報)高静水圧環境切削加工試験装置の開発、精密工学会誌, 68-9(2002), pp.1236-1240
45)吉野 雅彦、北村元、小川康文:硬脆機能材料の高静水圧環境における延性モード切削(第二報)高静水圧環境における種種の硬脆材料の切削実験、精密工学会誌, 68-10, (2002), pp.1351-1355.
46)Takahiro Shirakashi, Masahiko Yoshino: Flow characteristics of metal with phase transformation and prediction of its microstructure, Strength of Materials, vol.34, no.3, (2003), pp.223-227.
47) 吉野雅彦,Sivanandam Aravindan,藤井信行:押し込みによるガラスの微細塑性加工、日本機械学会論文集C,70,696 (2004),pp.2548-2554.
48) Masahiko Yoshino, Sivanandam Aravindan: Nano surface fabrication of hard brittle materials by structured tool imprinting, trans. ASME, Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.126. Nov. (2004), pp.760-765.
49) Masahiko YOSHINO, Yasufumi OGAWA, Sivanandam ARAVINDAN: Machining of Hard-Brittle Materials by a single point tool under High Hydrostatic Pressure, trans. ASME, Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.127, Nov.(2005), pp.837-845.
50) Y.Liu, B.Wang, M.Yoshino, S.Roy, H.Lu, R.Komanduri: Combined Numenrical Simulation and Nanoindentation for Determining Mechanical Properties of Single Crystals as Mesoscale, J of Mech. Phy. of Solids, 53(2005) pp.2718-2741.
51) Masahiko Yoshino, Eiji Higashi, Kousuke Kawade: Development of a Machining Tester for Two Dimensional Machining Test under External hydrostatic Pressure, JSME International, Journal. Series C, Vol.49, No.2, (2006), pp.329-333.
52) Masahiko Yoshino, Takashi Matsumura, Noritsugu Umehara, Yoichi Akagami, Sivanandam Aravindan, Takenori Ohno: Engineering Surface and Development of a New DNA Micro Array Chip,  Wear, 260 (2006), pp.274-286.
53) 吉野 雅彦,Sivanandam Aravindan,木ノ内有紀、松村隆:硬脆材料の微細塑性加工における臨界加工深さ、日本機械学会論文集C編,vol.72, No.722,(2006) pp342-348.
54) 吉野 雅彦,南 那由多,木村 英彦,松村 隆,梅原 徳次:超微細塑性加工による単結晶純銅の結晶方位の変化,日本機械学会論文集A編,73巻733号A編, (2007) pp.78-83.
55) 吉野 雅彦,川出 康祐,東 栄治:高静水圧環境下における硬脆材料の二次元切削実験,精密工学会誌,vol.73, no.11, (2007), pp.1251-1255
56) Masahiko YOSHINO, Aravindan SIVANANDAM, Yuki KINOUCHI and Takashi MATSUMURA: Critical Depth of Hard Brittle Materials on Nano Plastic Forming, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, Vol. 2 , No. 1 (2008) , pp. 59-70
57) Masahiko YOSHINO, Noritsugu Umehara, Sivanadam Aravindan: Development of functional surface by nano-plastic forming. WEAR  (2008), Vol. 266, pp. 581-584.



1)Takahiro SHIRAKASHI, Masahiko YOSHINO:Simulation Analysis of Cutting Process of Single Crystal  Aluminum、Proceeding of the Fifth International Manufacturing Conference in China, (1991)
2)Masahiko YOSHINO, Takahiro SHIRAKASHI:Ductile Mode Cutting of Glass, Proc.ICMT'93, (1993), p.1-6.
3)Takahiro SHIRAKASHI, Masahiko YOSHINO and Toshiyuki OBIKAWA : Gang Milling Head for Controlling resultant Cutting Force, Progress of Cutting and Grinding, (1994), p.314-319.
4) Masahiko YOSHINO, Takahiro SHIRAKASHI, Toshiyuki Obikawa and Eiji Usui: Electrical Cut off-Grinding Machine for Composite Materials, Procceding of International Conference on Precision Engineering '95 (2nd ICMT), (1995)p.138-142.
5) Masahiko YOSHINO, Takahiro SHIRAKASHI:Numerical Analysis on Cladding Process in Drawing, Dynamic Plasticity and Structural Behaviors (Plasticity'95) edited by S. Tanimura and A.S.Khan, (1995), p.1055-1058.  (No refree)
6) M. Yoshino, T. Obikawa, J. Shinozuka, Y. Hanawa, F. Ito: Mechanical Properties of Laminated Sheet Products by Rapid Manufacturing System, Proc.CAPE, (1998) pp.271-276.
7) T.Obiwaka, M. Yoshino, T. Matsumura, H. Sasahara, J. Shinozuka, K.Furusawa: Rapid Manufacturing System by Sheet Steel Lamination, Proc. CAPE, (1998) pp.265-270.
8) M.Yoshino, R.Komanduri, T.Aoki, T.Shirakashi: On the material removal mechanisms in the finishing of silicon using an indentation model, Proc. U.S.-Japan symposium on high-efficiency, damage-free finishing of advanced materials, (1999), pp.11-43.
9) Naga Chandrasekaran, Masahiko Yoshino, Takayuki Aoki, Ranga Komanduri: Micro crack-free scratching of silicon under external hydrostatic pressure, Proc. ASPE 2000 (Annual Meeting Scottsdale, Arizona), pp. 78-81.
10) Masahiko Yoshino, Masanori Futamura, Tomohiro Shiraishi, Numerical prediction of grain size distribution for hot forging processes, Numiform2001, (2001) 251-256.
11) Takahiro Shirakashi, Masahiko Yoshino: Flow characteristics of metal with phase transformation and prediction of its microstracture, 4th International Symposium, Strength and Fracture of Materials and Structural Members under Impulsse Loading, IMPULSE2001, (2001) pp.37-38.


12)Masahiko Yoshino, Sivanandam Aravindan, Yoshifumi Ogawa: Effects of hydrostatic stress and thermal aspects on machining defects of hard brittle materials, NSF workshop, New Developments in Thermal Aspects of Material Removal Processes, (2003), pp.298-304.
13) Sivanandam Aravindan, Masahiko Yoshino, Nobuyuki Fujii: Nano indentation of thermally treated hard brittle materials, NSF workshop, New Developments in Thermal Aspects of Material Removal Processes, (2003), pp.381-386.
14) Masahiko Yoshino, Sivanandam Aravindan, Nobuyuki Fujii: Fabrication of nano formed surfacees on hard brittle materials, LEM21, (2003), 173-178.
15) Matsumura, T., Ono T., Yoshino, M., Umehara, N. and Akagami Y.: Glass Machining for Manufacturing a New DNA Chip with Engineering Surface, ICTPM2004,(2004) pp.227-233.
16) Yoshino, M. and Aravindan. S.: Development of High Absorption Functional Surface by Nano Forming, ICTPM2004, (2004) pp.235-242.
17) Umehara, N., Minemura, T. and Yoshino, M .: New evalution method for surface energy and wettability with μm size liquid droplets, ICTPM2004, (2004) pp.251-258
18) Masahiko Yoshino, Sivanamdam Aravindan, Nobuyuki Fujii: A Newer Method for the Fabrication of Nano Structured Surfaces on Hard Brittle Materials, CAMMT2004,(2004) pp.49-50.
19) Eiji Higashi, Masahiko Yoshino and Kousuke Kawade: Machining Test under External hydrostatic Pressure, LEM21, (2005),pp.523-528.
20) Yuki Kinouchi, Yoshino Masahiko, Hiroyuki Miyasaka1, Nayuta Minami1, Tomoyuki Takahashi, Noritsugu Umehara: Nano Forming Process for Functional Surface, LEM21, (2005),pp.849-854.
21)H.Lu, Y.Liu, B.Wang, M.Yoshino, S.Roy, R.Komanduri: Solving an inverse problem in nanoindentation for determinig the single crystal Cu behavior at mesoscale, MTDM2005 (2005), pp.78-81.


22) Yoshino Masahiko, Nayuta Minami, Noritsugu Umehara, Hidehiko Kimura: Nano Plastic Forming Property of Single Crystal Metallic Material, Proceedings of 2006 International symposium for Flexible Automation,(2006),p.70
23) Yoshino Masahiko, Yuki Kinouchi: Nano Forming of Hard-brittle materials, Proceedings of 2006 International symposium for Flexible Automation,(2006),p.72
24) Yoshino Masahiko, Kosuke Kawade, Eiji Higashi: Machining Test under External hydrostatic Pressure, Proceedings of 2006 International symposium for Flexible Automation,(2006),p.33
25) Kazuaki Uchida, Masahiko Yoshino: Machining Development of lathe type NC machining device for hard-brittle materials under external hydrostatic pressure, LEM21, (2007) pp.755-758.
26) Ryo Okabe, Masahiko Yoshino: Effect of electrical current to critical depth of hard-brittle materials, LEM21, (2007) pp.597-600.
27) Ryo Hibino, Masahiko Yoshino: Development of a micro-fabrication process for micro devices, LEM21, (2007) pp.577-580.
28) Masahiko Yoshino, Nayuta Minami, Hidehiko Kimura, Takashi Matsumura, Noritsugu Umehara: Variation of crystal orientation in a single crystal copper by nano plastic forming, LEM21, (2007) pp.581-584.
29) Masahiko Yoshino, Noritsugu Umehara, Sivanandam Aravindan: Development of functional surface by nano plastic forming, Proceedings of M&P 2007, (2007) pp.179-184.
30) Masahiko Yoshino, Noritsugu Umehara, Takashi Matsumura, Sivanandam Aravindan: Functional surface by nano plastic forming, Proceedings of ICTMP2007, (2007), pp.321-324.
31) Takashi Matsumura, Masahiko Yoshino, Noritsugu Umehara, F.Iida:  Control of Surface Functions with Micro-Scale Structures on Engineering Surfaces, Proceedings of ICTMP2007, (2007), pp.315-320.
32) Masahiko Yoshino, Fumikazu Yoshizawa, Takashi Matsumura: Control of Optical Transmittance by Nano Plastic Forming, Proceedings of ESAFORM2008, (2008),CD.


33) Akinori Yamanaka, Tsuyoshi Kawanishi, Masahiko Yoshino, Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Simulation of Nano/Micro Plastic Forming for Metallic Material, Proceedings of LEM21, (2009/12), submitted.
34) Tsuyoshi KAWANISHI, Akinori YAMANAKA, Masahiko YOSHINO, Ryo HIBINO, Hidehiko KIMURA, Microstructure control by nano/micro plastic forming for functional metallic material, Proceedings of LEM21, (2009/12), submitted.
35) Yohei shimizu, Masahiko Yoshino, Naoki Yoshikawa, Development of lathe type NC cutting device for machining under high hydrostatic pressure, Proceedings of LEM21, (2009/12), submitted.
36) Naoki YOSHIKAWA, Kazuaki UCHIDA, Masahiko YOSHINO, Multi-tasking machining process under high hydrostatic pressure, Proceedings of LEM21, (2009/12), submitted.
37) Yoshiyuki Namatame, Masahiko Yoshino,
Machining properties of hard-brittle materials under high external hydrostatic pressure, Proceedings of LEM21, (2009/12), submitted.
38) Willy KURNIA, Masahiko YOSHINO, Nano Plastic Forming-Coating-Roller Imprinting (NPF-CRI) Process for Rapid Fabrication Technique of Nano and Micro Structures, Proceedings of LEM21, (2009/12), submitted.


3)吉野雅彦:材料の塑性(1)鉄鋼、年間展望、塑性と加工35-401 (1994)p.650-653
4)Masahiko YOSHINO : Research and Development in Japan in 1993 (Plasticityof Materials 1) , Steel, Annual report of JSTP (1994)p.4-5.
5)吉野雅彦:材料の塑性(1)鉄鋼、年間展望、塑性と加工36-415, (1995), p.810-812.
6)Masahiko YOSHINO: Research and Development in Japan in 1994 (Plasticityof Materials 1) , Steel, Annual report of JSTP (1995)
7) 吉野雅彦 分担:塑性力学(離散化手法)、年間展望、塑性と加工vol. 38, No.439 (1997), p.2-12.
8) 吉野雅彦:オクラホマ州立大学Komanduri研究室、塑性と加工 vol. 38, No.437 (1997), p.514-515.
9) 吉野雅彦:塑性加工のための材質予測法、塑性と加工, vol.41, No.473 (2000), pp.535-540.
10)吉野雅彦:高静水圧環境を利用したガラスの無欠陥加工、ガラスの加工技術とその応用展開セミナー資料、(2001), P.1-P.21
12)吉野雅彦:材料の高機能化のための塑性加工シミュレーション、第9回鉄鋼工学アドバンストセミナーテキスト、日本鉄鋼協会、(2001), pp.1-1〜1-7.
17)森謙一郎、吉野雅彦、湯川伸樹:塑性加工シミュレーションの展望、塑性と加工43−500、(2002), p.842-845.
21)吉野 雅彦:塑性加工における材質予測、2020年、自動車とその製造技術の将来、No.14-04 JSAE Symposium、(2004), pp.42-48.
22)吉野雅彦:硬脆材料のナノフォーミング加工、知能メカトロニクス専門委員会研究会報告Vol.9,No.2、(2005), pp.20-25.
23)吉野 雅彦: Excelによる構造解析有限要素法, 航空宇宙学会誌,vol.53. no.623 (2005) pp.357-362.
24)吉野 雅彦:金属材料のナノフォーミング技術の開発:FROM TECH REVIEW, vol.16, No.1, (2006), pp.49-52.
25)吉野 雅彦:超微細塑性加工による機能表面の開発:将来加工技術第136委員会第21回研究会資料、pp.1-6


1)鉄鋼協会 分担:変形特性の予測と制御部会報告書、(1994) p.398-p.407
2) 林厳監修、大熊政明、吉野雅彦、大竹尚登、持丸義弘:よくわかる工業力学、培風館、(1996)
3)日本機械学会 分担:計算力学ハンドブック(I有限要素法 構造編)、(1998), p.214-p.217.


1) 特許第3038376、高静水圧環境機械加工試験装置、出願1998/10/24、登録2000/3/3
2) 特許第3223269、固体材料の機械加工法、出願1998/10/24、登録2001/8/24
3) 出願番号2002年特許願第133818号, DNAチップ用基板、DNAチップ、及びそれらの製造方法、並びに解析システム、出願2002/5/9
5) 出願番号.特願2004-101534、 表面欠陥の少ない鋼帯の製造方法、公開2004/3/30


1)平成4年6月 工作機械技術振興賞(論文賞) 「超精密切削過程のシミュレーション解析」(1992)
2)平成8年5月 日本塑性加工学会論文賞「ひずみ速度と温度の履歴依存性を導入した流動応力式」(1996)
3)平成16年5月 日本塑性加工学会賞(会田技術奨励賞)「熱間塑性加工の材質と組織予測のための数値解析法の開発」(2004)
4)平成16年5月 工作機械技術振興賞(奨励賞)「高静水圧下における硬脆材料の切削特性」(2004)
5)平成19年5月 天田金属加工機械技術振興財団優秀賞「金属材料のナノフォーミング技術の開発」(2007)
6)平成19年10月 The Best Paper: The 4th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century "Development of a micro fabrication process for micro devices" (2007)


2010年3月16日 日本機械学会 関東支部第16期総会講演会 若手優秀講演賞
受賞者:川西毅 「微細塑性加工により誘起される単結晶の静的再結晶挙動」
2009年3月11日 精密工学会 第16回学生会員卒業研究発表講演会 最優秀講演賞
受賞者:清水洋平 「高静水圧切削のための旋盤型NC切削装置の開発」

Yoshino and Yamamoto laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology.

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